What an Executive Wants

Michael Longo

Executives today have more on their plates than ever before in history. In an ever-expanding market, and quickly shrinking world, the pressure to perform and deliver can feel overwhelming. This is even more important in the time sensitive industries we operate in.

You need the job done, no questions asked. And you need it done yesterday.

After more than two decades on the other side of the fence, I know the pressures of executive corporate roles. As a Director of a global, industry leading brand there was no time to explain the intricacies of what I needed or how I wanted things done – I had an objective, I wanted solutions and didn’t have time to hold hands. The cookie-cutter business model of a lot of our partners often made finding flexible solutions incredibly difficult.

The industry may be shifting, but this reality remains the same for a lot of executives. Working with global 3PLs, while being an efficient option, makes it extremely difficult to do anything that is outside global policy and process, customised solutions become almost impossible to deliver.

The problem is - in  such a fast moving environment, briefs change, deadlines move and sometimes, perfection isn’t possible. It’s important to be able to respond to the unexpected with agility and open communication. Success in our industry is more about transparency, honesty and resolving problems quickly so that they don't become major issues or end up on social media.
A key aspect of the Reclaim Simple manifesto is providing an alternative to the corporate red-tape and impersonal negotiations. Being able to pick up the phone, or send an email when it all hits the fan can make the difference between a minor set back, and major catastrophe. At the end of the day, people remember how you made them feel - more than a small part of this is about listening to their needs and providing custom solutions that fit them, and the context of their business.